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Disadvantages of Genetically Modified Organisms

Disadvantages of Genetically Modified Organisms: Just as there are benefits to GMOs, there are disadvantages to the engineered products that seem to not be taken into consideration by the American government.

•Medicines: Although the following may not have a lot to do with the products that you sell, the involvement of GMOs in medicines further displays the need to regulate modified organisms.

•Gene Therapy: If not regulated properly, a lot of issues regarding ethics may arise. With the use of gene therapy, designer children and life longevity can be taken advantage of if not regulated properly (Goldbas).

•Plants & Food

•GMO Food Crops: Many scientist do not understand Gmo crops, nor their benefits or risks (Goldbas).

Joined food industry in 1996: According to Blanchard “[b]lanket statements about the safety or risks of biotechnology products are scientifically unjustified” due to the fact that genetically engineered foods only entered the marketplace starting in 1996.

•Interrupted biodiversity of plants:If there is something slightly detrimental with genetic engineering it can effect other natural plants through cross pollination. This could possibly be devastating for plants and our food supply.

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