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American Government GMO Regulation

American Government Regulation: As opposed to the European Union, we will now discuss how America is the least regulated country when it comes to GMOs (Onusic).

Little interest by congress: Since a lot of people receive knowledge about our government based on the platforms of the two parties, this proved to be detrimental to the average American’s knowledge about the up and coming GM foods (Lynch, Vogel).

Regulated as biotechnology by government agencies: Environmental Projection Agency (EPA), Food and Drug Administration (FDA)

•EPA: Controls how GMOs are regulated in our environment ("Restrictions on Genetically Modified Organisms: United States" )

•FDA: Controls how GMOs are regulated within our food ("Restrictions on Genetically Modified Organisms: United States" )

•FDA ruling:

•Treats foods that are derived from GMO plants the same as if it’d came from a regular plant thus recognizing GMOs as safe.

•Since, at face value the GM plants look similar to their original counterparts, the FDA does not believe there is any reason to label GMO related food products ("Restrictions on Genetically Modified Organisms: United States" )


•Biggest GMO plant in the Unites States

•Biggest opponent to labeling GMO foods; is constantly fighting against those who want to label GMOs

•American knowledge of Gmos:

•Upon entering the markets, a minority of Americans knew about the GMOs they would be regularly consuming.

•Currently, American knowledge on GMOs have increased despite the lack of media coverage that it deserves.

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