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Results and What Should be Done

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•Original Question:After comparing the European Union and the government along with the GMO disadvantages and advantages, my research has reached a conclusion.

•It is American knowledge and Public influence that has the biggest effect on the regulation of GMOs.

•The European Union is strict because the people of Europe made sure to educate other citizens about the potential detrimental risks involving GMOs

•As opposed to America, whose lack of knowledge about GMOs, has lead to the disregard of the potential threats that GMOs have.

•In conclusion, although there are significant benefits to the use of GMOs, it does not compare to the potential risks GMOs could have given their uncertainty.

•Better regulations of GMOs need to be put into place, including labeling GMO items.

•As distributors of GMO products, you have the power to influence public opinion and put a huge dent in how Monsanto operates.

•This power can lead to change in how GMOs operate and more public trust in big companies and industries.


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